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С 01.07.2019 г. эстонское законодательство запрещает покупать и продавать электронные сигареты и продукцию SNUS через Интернет.

Justfog Q16 Э-сигарета 900mAh

Цена лояльности 49.90

Justfog Q16 starter kit consist of 1.9ml capacity Q16 clearomizer and a built-in 900mAh J-Easy 9 battery. Due to its higher resistance coils, the 900mAh battery can last an entire day even for heavy smokers. It is a mouth to lung clearomizer which is perfect for smokers trying to quit. It is easy to use with 8 level voltage function. It is easy to use and compact device that resemble cigarette smoking. Ideal device for beginners due to its ease of use.

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